William H. Hayt, Jr.,
Purdue University Jack E. Kemmerly,
California State University Steven M. Durbin,
University at Buffalo The State University of NY
ISBN: 0073529575 Copyright year: 2012
Now in its eighth edition, Engineering Circuit Analysis has introduced countless students from around the world to the intricacies of analyzing linear electric circuits from a practical engineering perspective. In parallel, students are exposed to detailed aspects of developing methodical problem-solving skills through a carefully designed, classroom-tested pedagogical approach. Students are also guided in the application of computer-aided analysis to verify both hand calculations as well as their solutions to open-ended design problems.
Key Features of the Eighth Edition
Over 1000 new and revised end-of-chapter problems, including the introduction of Chapter Integrating Exercises at the end of each problem set.
Use of icons to identify points worth noting; common pitfalls; open-ended design problems; and problems that include a computer-aided design component.
New examples and practice problems.
Expanded treatment of active filters, including the analysis and design of multiple-stage Butterworth filters.
Updated treatment of MATLAB® and PSpice®.
Each chapter now begins with a list of Key Concepts and ends with a Summary and Review segment that connects each example to important points.
Considerable attention has been devoted to streamlining discussions throughout each chapter and placing examples at critical locations.
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