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Humanities, Social Science and Language

Digital Products

Course management and student learning tools backed by great support.

McGraw Hill GO
Greenlight learning with the new eBook+

Personalize learning and assessment

ALEKS® Placement, Preparation, and Learning
Achieve accurate math placement

Ignite mastery of MS Office and IT skills

McGraw Hill eBook & ReadAnywhere App
Get learning that fits anytime, anywhere

Sharpen: Study App
A reliable study app for students

Virtual Labs
Flexible, realistic science simulations

AI Reader
Encourage Discovery, Boost Understanding


Affordable Access
Reduce costs and increase success

LMS Integration
Log in and sync up

Content Collections powered by Create®
Curate and deliver your ideal content

Custom Courseware Solutions
Teach your course your way

Education for All
Let’s build a future where every student has a chance to succeed

Business Program
Explore business learning solutions & resources

Professional Services
Collaborate to optimize outcomes

Remote Proctoring
Validate online exams even offsite

Institutional Solutions
Increase engagement, lower costs, and improve access for your students

Updated, relevant materials—without the hassle.


General Help & Support Info
Customer Service & Tech Support contact information

Online Technical Support Center
FAQs, articles, chat, email or phone support

Support At Every Step
Instructor tools, training and resources for ALEKS, Connect & SIMnet

Instructor Sample Requests
Get step by step instructions for requesting an evaluation, exam, or desk copy

Platform System Check
System status in real time

McGraw Hill Higher Education Online Learning Platforms & Education Tools

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Online Learning, Support, and Tools at Your Fingertips

Sharpen logo app in mobile phone.

Introducing Sharpen™ Companion

Sharpen Companion is the easy, low-cost way for instructors to add the Sharpen study app to their course, alongside Connect or McGraw Hill GO. Sharpen provides practice quizzes, videos, and more, with AI-powered feedback to support exam prep. Sharpen Companion is available Fall 2025.

Evergreen logo

An Industry First: McGraw Hill’s Evergreen™ Delivery Model

Our Evergreen delivery model provides new and updated content, tools, and accessibility delivered directly to your existing courses. Its release-centered approach makes using new content easy and enables digital product updates without the burden of moving to a new edition!

Woman looking into a laptop.

Teaching Made Easier, Results Made Stronger with Connect.

Instructors using Connect are seeing higher student success rates, improved retention, and more efficient teaching. Our latest case studies break down the real impact—see what it could mean for your course.

Laptop image with AI reader loaded in browser window.

Empower students to enhance their learning with AI Reader.

AI Reader harnesses the power of GenAI to personalize and promote active reading. Visit the AI Reader page to watch a video and see it in action.

2 women smiling and laughing.

Support at Every Step

Bookmark our Support at Every Step site to find the resources you need to strengthen your courses and optimize them throughout the term.

Students collaborating on a project.

Education for All

Learning should be accessible to students from all backgrounds. Together we can build a future where every student has a chance to succeed.

McGraw Hill Blog

The McGraw Hill Blog is full of content from instructors and students featuring articles, videos, case studies, classroom best practices, and tips for success.
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    How to Tailor Your Course with McGraw Hill Connect®

    It is more important than ever to find ways to tailor the teaching to personalize the learning experience for each student.

    Tags: Instructor, Online Education, Article, Higher Education, Blog, Connect

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    Creating a Supportive Classroom Environment: Fostering Mental Health and Wellbeing

    A classroom is one of the few places left where individuals can grow academically and personally, in a supportive, non-combative environment.

    Tags: Instructor, Article, Student Engagement, Higher Education, Blog

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    Fostering Inclusivity in the Classroom: Practical Methods for Success

    In today's college classroom environment, creating an inclusive classroom environment is essential for promoting equity, empathy, and effective learning.

    Tags: Article, Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DEI), Higher Education, Blog

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    Equipping Students for the Digital Frontier: Preparing for the Future of Work

    Discover how to bridge the digital skills gap for Gen Z students. Uncover the blend of digital savvy and interpersonal skills needed to prepare students for a rapidly evolving job market.

    Tags: Article, Critical Thinking, Career & Workforce, Higher Education, Blog, Instructor, Student Preparedness, The Supply Chain Corner, Analytics Insider