Chapter 1


Real Numbers and Algebraic Expressions Chapter Outline Section 1.1 The Set of Real Numbers 2 Section 1.2 Fractions Review 13 Section 1.3 The Order of Operations, Algebraic Expressions, and Equations 27 Section 1.4 Addition of Real Numbers 42 Section 1.5 Subtraction of Real Numbers 50 Section 1.6 Multiplication and Division of Real Numbers 57 Section 1.7 Properties of Real Numbers 71 Section 1.8 Algebraic Expressions 77 C H A P T E R 1 Coming Up. . . In Section 1.3, we will learn that the number of viewers (in millions) for the season premiere of Fox Network’s American Idol for Seasons 1 to 8 can be approximated by the expression 0.1x3 + 18.4x - 2.54x2 - 4.6, where x is the number of seasons aired. We will learn how to use this expression to estimate the number of viewers for future seasons. Time Management As you begin this chapter, we want you to focus on how you are managing your time. Your success in this course depends on your ability to devote the appropriate time to learning and practicing the material. ● The general rule of thumb is that you should spend 2 hours studying for each hour you are in class. ● Prepare a calendar of your week and schedule an appointment with yourself for study time. ● Review how you are using your time through the week and make an honest assessment of whether you have the time to make this class a priority. ● See the Preface for additional resources concerning time management. Question For Thought: Of the activities you participate in, which are essential? Can you give up any of these activities to provide more time for your studies? he e r future 1

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